Digital Advertising
EXPAND Your Digital Reach
As cliche as it is to say, everyone is spending time online these days. Are they seeing your brand among the other brands competing for their attention? If not, it’s time to implement digital advertising in your marketing campaigns.
CTV & OTT Advertising
A lot of people are cord-cutting cable (or never had it in the first place), but that doesn’t mean they aren’t consuming content in other ways.
With CTV (ConnectedTV) and OTT (Over-the-Top) ads, you can reach people while they’re streaming on their smart TV, gaming console, or digital media player.

Social Media Advertising
Many people often find out about new brands through the influence of social media. Further your brand’s reach and find new customers through the power of social advertising. Your creative ads can appear in a user’s feed as they scroll.

Display Advertising
Display ads promote your brand on third-party websites so you can stay top of mind to potential customers.
These ads most often appear as banners across the screen or as content off to the side. With these campaigns, you can remarket to those who have visited your site or personalize ads based on user demographics and interests.

Google Search Advertising
What better way to reach people than when they’re literally searching for what you offer? With search advertising, your ads appear at the top of search results so people can find you faster.
We fully customize every campaign to achieve the best possible results. No “Cookie-Cutter” approach performed at SPG! we have direct access to an enormous amount of data that allows us to very specifically target your intended audience. The term “direct access” is important for you to understand. Most agencies use a third-party and, essentially, provide them with an insertion order for your campaign. There are no third-parties involved with our campaigns. We are the direct source. That translates to a lot of things you won’t find elsewhere. Namely, quick response times to changes for your campaign and continued hands-on campaign optimization. Further, at SPG, we believe in a dynamic bidding process, not a static one. Static bidding are those “Cookie-Cutter” campaigns. A good bidding strategy is vital to campaign success!
Many agencies, and many TV stations, will sell you a digital campaign based on a fixed bid price. Sure that’s an easy way to do it, and it absolutely saves the agency or TV station from a ton of work, but is that maximizing the use of every dollar you have to spend?
Since we do not sell a “One-Size-FIts-All” package, the cost question is hard to answer. The cost is largely determined by answering the following: What is your given market; what other competition do you have attempting to advertise in the same environment? What’s the customer journey? How and where are we entering them into what part of your sales funnel? How much traffic does your site receive now? And, many other questions.
We find that a minimum monthly spend of $2500 can accomplish most objectives, in most markets, and is a good starting point; again, depending on your objectives and answers to all those questions above.
Let’s Get Started
We’re ready to work with you on a customized marketing plan that gets results.
We’ll do a deep dive into your needs and objectives and determine if we are a good fit to work together.
We will analyze your data and customize a plan that includes expert advertising services that best serve your business.
We execute the plan. We never “set it and forget it” but instead refine as needed to get the results we want.